Let’s Talk About Fees

See the paper bag in the image above? That’s historically been the view into the fee models offered by real estate tax appeal consultants and attorneys – totally opaque. And even if you got inside the bag, what you’d find is murky at best. I knew that customers at my previous firms were clamoring for more transparency and I set out to offer that at Cavalry.
So, we’ve put our money where our mouth is and rolled out a simple fee model – headlined by a flat 15% contingency fee for commercial real estate tax appeals in Washington, D.C, Maryland, and Virginia.
You may be wondering, “Why 15%?”. It’s because the average commercial real estate tax appeal fee in the Washington, D.C., metro area is 25% of tax savings. And depending on who you work with, you’ll find fees starting around 20% and reaching as high as 33%!
Those fees have remained that way for almost 100 years. They may have been justified decades ago when property values and tax rates were a fraction of what they are now, or when valuations were calculated by hand, on paper. But times have changed and we’re leading the charge.
It’s not about a race to the bottom. Our fees aren’t lower for any reason other than the fact that our technology, relationships and focus on resolving appeals prior to litigation means we get things done faster than traditional players. That means less people-hours, less back-and-forth and lower fees for you.
We decided from the beginning there’s nothing we would sacrifice to cut prices. Talk to anyone that works with us now or has in the past and you’ll hear one thing unanimously: no one provides better service. The difference now is that you and your portfolio get that same level of service, better technology, and superior results – all with a pricing model that’s fair AND transparent.