Happy Anniversary to Us

Cavalry is now six months old. Wow, it feels good to say that.
The most common question I’m asked these days regarding our new venture is the colloquial “so how’s it going?” It’s a question that never gets old because as an entrepreneur your livelihood depends on you talking about your business whenever the opportunity presents itself – much to the chagrin of close friends and confidants. But depending on the day and that week’s challenges or successes, the answers can vary widely.
However, as the team here at Cavalry looks back on the last six months, one answer and one word seems to resonate more appropriately than anything else. Gratitude…to clients, friends, peers, family, and colleagues, as well as the businesses, service providers, and independent contractors that support us.
Personally, after spending two decades in this industry, launching a new business independent of any established corporate brand means that new clients are buying your vision, your reputation, and a belief that you and your team will do right by them. No crutch, no corporate safety net. All you. That level of trust is humbling, and the greatest professional compliment one can receive.
From a growth perspective, it’s been a vertical moonshot. Now that the smoke has cleared from this spring’s breakneck tax appeal season and summer is winding down, we have several exciting announcements that we’ll be making over the next 60 days. We have new team members that have signed on, new products we have developed and most importantly, new clients that we are on-boarding. As a founder, rolling out these kinds of announcements and telling the world about the amazing things our team is accomplishing brings me unrelenting joy.
Looking ahead, one word comes to mind: focus… on our clients, our team, our service, and our products. Those new team members are the linchpin for each of those areas.
Each one is a force multiplier. Not just bringing an extra set of hands and new ideas but growing our capabilities exponentially when combined with our existing efforts. They have enhanced our ability to continue providing excellent client service and allow us to further magnify our focus on delivering a robust product roadmap. Which is why we’re continuing to look for energetic, motivated, and innovative people that will bring new ideas and exceptional client service to our company and vision.
Stay tuned for our next post with more on that…