Real Estate Tax Made Sexy

That got your attention, didn’t it? We’re doing groundbreaking things at Cavalry, but I admit: even we can’t make real estate taxes the sexiest topic.
That said, they ARE the single largest operating expense in your real estate portfolio – and how you manage that expense can mean the difference between a performing or non-performing asset. That means it’s worth it to find a tax partner you trust to ensure your assets are being taxed fairly and accurately.
That may mean an appeal because your property is over assessed; securing a refund because you were overtaxed; or accurately projecting real estate taxes in an uncertain market (so you aren’t overtaxed in the first place).
And trust me, after 20 years in this business, I’ve found there are always opportunities to save money and create value. And now that I think about, what could possibly be sexier than saving money and creating value? Now more than ever, finding those savings to pass on to your clients will make your assets more valuable in an increasingly competitive marketplace.